Article's by top fitness experts of Kashmir!


I syed sajid being from the background of engineering always wanted to work for the betterment of people , since last 12 years i have been training at many fitness clubs, however the way i always used to dream about it was something far away from what i used to practice. I Have completed my study courses and passed examinations of certified fitness trainer. This increased my interest towards fitness line and i completely inclined myself towards the sports science. My sole aim is to create a sense of understanding among my people about the importance of " diet and lifestyle" and its impact on our daily and overall health. I am passionate about educating people with simple things we all can incorporate to make our lives better. I feel an urge to speak about something that has been kept to shelves or books in Kashmir for long. When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use When diet is right, medicine is of no need. We need to invest the most in our health which unfortunately has become the last priority for almost all of us. Diet, lifestyle, awareness, basic knowledge about the power of our bodies to heal , awareness about the poisonous products we consume on a daily basis that degrade our health and cause enormous loss to the quality of our lives. It may seem a daunting task but it is pretty simple in actual. We need advice in all fields of life and hence in building a healthy lifestyle and improving our overall health as well. The first steps for example could be eliminating foods that make our bodies deteriorate thereby resulting in sickness. The next step is to incorporate foods that are vital for providing nutrients to our bodies. The aim is to build a routine that is sustainable rather than short term. It is easy to follow a specific diet protocol briefly and resort to the same unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle thereafter. Our motive should be , to keep a balance of foods we eat on a daily basis , the amount of exercise that needs to be put into our schedules , the calories we need to burn , the protein intake necessary to our body needs and above all the regular maintenance of this very schedule so that we attain long term sustainable health. I always train my clients with dedication and that is what a client needs, results do follow you when you will remain sincere and this way i have built a strong honest relationship with my clients. We are what we eat" is something we must understand and our diet has a remarkable influence on the way our bodies function and therefore our overall health. Syed Sajid Kirmani Certified Fitness Trainer & Nutritionist (International Sports Sciences Association) Specialist in Bodybuilding (International Sports Sciences Association) Certified Elite Trainer (International Sports Sciences Association) Certified Physique & Figure Training Specialist (National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association)